THANK YOU for wanting to know more about me!
With my portfolio I want to be as transparent as I can. I want to show the behind the scenes, the rough sketches, the planning, the good, the bad, and some of the ugly that goes into creating the illustrations and designs.
I hope it’s helpful for anyone looking to broaden their artistic muscles or trying to figure out if I’m the best match for your creative job.
Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions, have a job you’d like to work with me on, of if you’re an artist trying to get your bearings.
2011 - Frankie’s Lunchtime Adventure
I was supposed to be studying web design but the coding part made me want to pull my hair out. Thankfully, in a video class we had to make and record a creative video. I had the bright idea to draw mine. I don’t even know where the idea came from. I just decided to do it. My kids and my husband thought I was nuts but I did it.
If you want to see the VERY raw footage - click here.
Beware - it’s bad. I hand drew most everything, and animated it all in Flash - the old version.
2012 - Where’s Andy
This was the start of it all. The very first illustration that I ever did. It was full of fun and had the right amount of dark sense of humor that I just absolutely loved. This is when I knew I was on to something.
2013 - Frankie and the Rhino Horn
I got my first illustration gig working for a non-profit organization helping bring awareness to the destruction of Rhinos.
2014 - My best friend is a zombie
One of the most proudest moments I’ve ever had as an illustrator was when my youngest son (8 y/o), who at the time was OBSESSED with zombies wanted to take a drawing that I had made for him to school for show and tell.
2015 - Underneath the Juniper Tree
Creepy illustration I got to create for a dark and humorous magazine - Underneath the Juniper Tree
2016 - Learning about Kids Books and Storytelling
I started getting serious about illustrating kids books.
I have a serious collection of books that have helped me tell stories with my art. I’ve added a lot more to this collection since 2016 but these books are the foundation that got me started. Wouldn’t trade them for anything.
2017 - Equipment Upgrade
Up to this point everything had been started with pencil and paper and then scanned in on my printer then finished in Photoshop. My husband surprised me with my very first iPad and I’ve never looked back. It’s been a complete game changer.
2018 - The Adventures of Grit
I got my first kids book deal through Clear Fork Publishing. It was official - I was a published kids book illustrator!
2018 - Official book signing at Barnes & Noble
The book that I illustrated and helped come to life was being promoted and sold at Barnes & Noble! I felt like I was in the big leagues.
2019 - The Lucky Penny Kids Book
I got to illustrate my second kids book - The Lucky Penny. A kindergarten teacher wanted something her little readers could hold in their hands that she wrote.
2020 and beyond - COVID
In 2020, everything changed for the entire world. For me, I used my art to help deal with the aggravation that I felt due to the state of the world. I’ve never looked back.